7th grade explained and acted out physical features in social studies.
about 1 year ago, Elizabeth Moreland
Preschool has been learning letters l, m, & n. They made addition fact lady bugs, graphed marshmallows, and made 2-D shapes. Nurse Quinn came to visit their class! She read books about germs and talked about how to stay healthy!
about 1 year ago, Elizabeth Moreland
The AC campus practiced bus evacuations this afternoon so everyone knew what to do in case of an emergency.
about 1 year ago, Derek Davenport
Thank you to the "Unofficial" Adair-Casey Elementary & AC/GC JH parent group for spoiling our staff today! The sunshine cart went around with treats to brighten the day! We truly appreciate you!
about 1 year ago, Elizabeth Moreland
Mr. Dahl's class had a great time learning about coding while practicing their math skills with the Splats!
about 1 year ago, Elizabeth Moreland
JH students working on coding
about 1 year ago, Derek Davenport
JH coding class working with hummingbird programming projects
about 1 year ago, Derek Davenport
JH Health classes are using goniometers to test the flexibility of their joints.
about 1 year ago, Derek Davenport
Work continues on the bleacher removal at the A-C Campus.
about 1 year ago, Derek Davenport
Starting today, the original bleachers on the A-C campus are being removed so that new bleachers can be installed later this school year. The PK-8th grade students sat on the bleachers one last time on Friday.
about 1 year ago, Derek Davenport
Third grade worked on deep breathing and self control with some yoga today in counseling.
about 1 year ago, Elizabeth Moreland
Chargers of the Week!
about 1 year ago, Elizabeth Moreland
1st grade is ready for fall thanks to some generous students who donated pumpkins and gourds to the class.
about 1 year ago, Elizabeth Moreland
The new student group for 4th, 5th, & 6th grade students making s’mores.🔥
about 1 year ago, Elizabeth Moreland
Students made fire prevention safety posters for this years theme “Cooking Safety Starts with YOU!”
about 1 year ago, Elizabeth Moreland
Members of the 7th and 8th grades present their speeches to the student body to encourage students to vote for them for student council.
about 1 year ago, Derek Davenport
Adair Fire and Rescue answered questions and showed elementary students how a firetruck and an ambulance work.
about 1 year ago, Derek Davenport
The 8th grade volleyball members played the faculty in an end-of-season match.
about 1 year ago, Derek Davenport
Third grade has been learning how to plot points on a number line to show time. They've also been playing new math games.
about 1 year ago, Elizabeth Moreland
8th graders demonstrating Newton’s Third Law by performing “Newton’s Body Surfing” using scooters and a basketball, “Push Me, Pull You” using spring scales and “Following the Bouncy Ball” using a meter stick and a ping pong ball.