Charger Update

Iowa School Performance Profile

 This past month, the Iowa Department of Education released the Iowa School Performance Profiles for all schools across the state. These profiles provide an overall score and performance rating for schools, based on multiple performance measures, including:

- Chronic Absenteeism

- Attendance Growth 

- Growth in Math, Language Arts, and Science 

- Proficiency in Math, Language Arts, and Science 

- Graduation Rates (4-year and 5-year)  

- Postsecondary Readiness (College Credit and Work-Based Learning)

We are proud to announce that our schools earned ratings of Commendable and High Performing this year! Here are the ratings for each of our schools:

- Guthrie Center Elementary: Commendable  

- Adair-Casey Elementary: High Performing  

- ACGC Junior High: High Performing  

- ACGC High School: Commendable  

Thank you to our dedicated teachers, staff, school boards, and administrators for their hard work and commitment to our schools, communities, and students. These achievements reflect your passion and dedication!

To view the full scores and ratings for all schools and districts in Iowa, visit the Iowa School Performance Profiles website.


Whole Grade Sharing/Reorganization

I wanted to provide a quick update regarding the recent board agenda and discussion about our Whole Grade Sharing (WGS) agreement and the potential reorganization of our districts.  

As you may know, our current WGS agreement is set to expire in July 2026. Both the Adair-Casey and Guthrie Center boards recently reviewed the options of either renewing the agreement or moving toward reorganization. After this week's board meeting, both boards agreed to move forward with reorganization discussions to consolidate our two districts.   

Both boards emphasized their commitment to maintaining the current programs and schools that have been so beneficial for our students. The recent Iowa School Performance Profiles, which rated our schools as High Achieving and Commendable, highlight the great work happening at ACGC! With reorganization, the only change will be the name on the side of the school bus: ACGC Schools!  

We will hold a work session next month to discuss the details of the reorganization plan and process. Once the board finalizes details of the reorganization process, all information and  timelines will be shared with each of our communities. 

Our next board work session is scheduled for Monday, December 2nd, at 7:00 PM in the Junior High Library.

Go Chargers!

Mr. Josh Rasmussen


ACGC Schools